Approximate time: 0645
Weather conditions: Clear
On Thanksgiving morning, we were contacted to transport a disabled, loaded gasoline tanker from the Port Of Wilmington to
Elkton Maryland. We were advised by the company they had tried their regular towing company along with several other local
companies, all of which refused to come out on Thanksgiving morning.
With the unit being in Delaware and going to Maryland, we were able to transport it as a combination.
Truck S17 towed the unit out of the Port to the service center in Elkton. Once at the service center the mechanics advised
they could not work on the truck with the loaded trailer hooked to it. The trailer had non load bearing landing gear, which
means it can not be separated in a conventional manner when loaded.
We were then requested to remain on location until another tractor could be sent by the trucking company to repower the
trailer. Once the tractor was onsite we would be needed to lift and hold the trailer while the disabled tractor was pulled out
from under the trailer and the good tractor connected to the trailer. Once the trailer was repowered, S17 moved the disabled
tractor into the repair shop.