Multiple companies clear Route 30 incident.


January 31, 2024Approximate time: 1204Weather Conditions: Clear Contacted to respond to Route 30 and Belmont Road for a multi tractor trailer accident. Photos from the scene indicated two tractor trailers and a pick-up truck were

Team Work quickly reopens Route 283


January 16, 2024Approximate time: 1400Weather Conditions: Snow / Ice Contacted to respond to Route 283 eastbound between Route 72 and Route 30 to assist Wayne’s Towing & Recovery at the scene of a jack knifed

Major commercial vehicle accident on 41.


December 27, 2023Approximate time: 2354Weather Conditions: Rain Contacted to respond to Route 41 and Ridgeview Dr for a commercial motor vehicle accident. Initial reports indicated that a tractor trailer was involved in an accident and

Jack knife tractor trailer in Manheim Township


December 10, 2023Approximate time: 1415Weather conditions: Rain Contacted to respond to the ramp from Route 222 south to Route 30 west to assist Wayne’s Towing & Recovery on the scene of a commercial motor vehicle

Loaded tractor trailer strikes underpass in Downingtown


December 4, 2023Approximate time: 1208Weather Conditions: Clear Contacted to respond to Route 322 and Boot Road at the rail road bridge for a Freightliner tractor pulling a van trailer that was loaded with palletized bags

Loaded armored car involved in accident.


November 21, 2023Approximate time: 1315Weather Conditions: Rain Contacted to respond to Route 272 and Deaver Road for an International Armored Vehicle that was loaded, that had been involved in an accident with a tractor trailer.

Loaded trash hauler overturned in Gap


November 17, 2023Approximate time: 0912Weather Conditions: Clear Contacted to respond to Route 30 and Newport Road for a tractor trailer that was overturned. We were advised that the trailer was fully loaded with trash. Photos

Multi commercial vehicle accident on Route 41.


September 21, 2023Approximate time: 1331Weather Conditions: Clear Contacted to respond to Gap Newport Pike and Dairy Meeting Road for a tractor trailer loaded with chickens that was off the roadway and a Ford dump truck

Multi commercial vehicle accident on Route 41.


Property Damage and Liability Cleanup September 8, 2023Approximate time: 1622Weather conditions: Clear Contacted to respond to Gap Newport Pike between Ridge View Rd and Highland Rd for a multi commercial vehicle accident. We were advised

Jack knifed tractor trailer in Little Britain.


August 7, 2023Approximate time: 1921Weather Conditions: Severe storms Contacted to respond to Route 272 and King Pen Road to the scene of a multi commercial vehicle accident. We were advised that we were responding for