January 17, 2022
Approximate time: 1221
Weather Conditions: Snow and ice
Contacted to respond to Gum Tree Road in the area of Beaver Dam Road for a 3500HD work truck that had lost control, crossed the center line, flipped end over end over an embankment and was reported to be laying on it’s roof approximately 100′ from the point where it first lost control and 25′ down over an embankment.
One of our recovery supervisors were onscene and advised that one of our long reach sliding rotator recovery units would be needed to lift the vehicle back up the embankment, upright it, and set it onto the roadway.
Upon arrival, the rotator was set-up on a work platform. Straps were connected to the vehicle. The vehicle was lifted straight up off of the ground. The vehicle was then rotator in mid air to prevent any fluids from spilling and any secondary damages from occurring. Once upright, the large vehicle parts were loaded into the bed of the truck. Arrangements were made for Null’s Recovery & Site Restoration to respond to the scene to remove the glass and vehicle parts from the yard that the truck crashed through.
The truck was loaded onto one of our rollbacks and secured for transport from the scene. Once at our facility, the truck was unloaded and placed in our secure storage yard.