May 3, 2021
Approximate time: 2225
Weather Conditions: Rain
Contacted to respond to Spring Valley Road and Mimosa Rd in Lancaster for a vehicle that was off the roadway and straddling a waterway. It was requested that we respond with one of our long reach sliding rotator recovery units.
Upon arrival, the vehicle was found to have left the roadway, travelled down an incline, coming to rest behind the guardrail and partially in the creek. The vehicle appeared to have minor to moderate damage. There were no fluids leaking from the vehicle. There were trees lining the creek bank, and overhead utility lines, both of which would hinder the recovery.
One of our portable light towers was set-up to provide a safe work area for the team working onscene. This also allowed our operator to do a more thorough assessment of the overhead obstructions.
The rotator recovery unit was set-up on a work platform. A spreader bar was rigged to one of the winch lines on the rotator. The rotator then placed the spreader bar over top of the car. Rigging was connected from the spreader bar to the car’s wheels.
The car had to be lifted straight up from the precarious location it was in to prevent the engine oil pan, transmission oil pan, radiator, or gas tank from being compromised and dumping motor vehicle fluids into the creek.
The rotator was lifted straight up out of the creek and recovered back to the roadway where it was loaded onto Wayne’s awaiting rollback to be transported from the scene. Once on the rollback, the rigging was removed and returned to it’s respective location. The rotator was returned to travel position and then cleared the scene.