Approximate time: 0650
Weather Conditions: Clear
Contacted by Gazzerro’s Towing to respond to Route 82 and Manor Road in Valley Township for a Hino box truck that
was loaded and off the roadway and had struck a tree after colliding with another vehicle. We were advised that they
were onscene with a medium duty truck and needed assistance with recovering the truck and towing it from the scene.
Based upon the information we were given and photos sent from the scene, one of our sliding rotator recovery units was
dispatched to the scene.
Upon arrival, the Hino box truck was found to have been involved in a collision with a Jeep, left the roadway and struck
the tree head on. The box truck suffered major damage. The cab was pushed back. The driver’s door was broken open
and would not close. The truck was reported to be approximately 2/3 full of groceries.
We were advised that the company had a truck enroute to the scene to transfer the load from the damaged truck. They
were advised to have the truck respond to the Marriott Hotel at 600 Manor Road, Coatesville so that the load could be
transferred off the roadway once the truck was recovered.
Gazzerro’s truck was positioned at the rear of the truck to winch the back of the truck sideways back onto the roadway.
Rigging was connected to the back of the truck and then to Gazzerro’s truck via a two part winch line.
The rotator was positioned at the front of the truck and set-up on a work platform. Rigging was connect to the front end
of the truck in order to lift the truck clear of the tree and bring the front end of the truck back onto the roadway.
The two trucks worked together to recover the box truck to a position that the rotator could hook to the front end of it
and prepare to tow it from the scene. The rotator was returned to travel position. It then hooked to the front of the
loaded box truck and prepared to move it from the roadway. The box truck and the truck’s driver were transported from
the accident
scene to the Marriott to await the arrival of the replacement truck. The driveline was disconnected on the truck. The
batteries were also disconnected on the truck.
Gazzerro’s crew worked to clean the dirt off the roadway and pick up the truck parts from the scene.
Our operator assisted with transferring the cargo from the damaged truck to the replacement truck. Once the cargo was
off-loaded, the damaged truck was towed to Null’s of Cochranville where it was placed in our secure storage yard.
Once the truck was dropped in the storage yard, the rigging that was used was inspected and returned to its respective
location. The rotator was made ready for the next call.