Approximate time: 1615
Weather conditions: Clear
Called for a loaded tractor and trailer that was stuck on Craigtown Road in the area of Perrylawn Dr in Perryville MD. We
were advised that the unit had gotten off the side of the roadway and that the trailer axles were hanging off the edge of the
roadway. We were requested to expedite to the scene as the Troopers onscene were ordering the truck and trailer to be
removed immediately.
Based upon the information we were given and the fact that the unit was blocking the roadway, R5 and R6 were dispatched to
the scene.
Upon arrival, it was found that the driver did not swing the turn wide enough, causing the trailer to hit the guard rail. The
driver continued, pushing the guard rail over and allowing the back of the trailer to drop into a ditch. The guard rail then
became entangled between the dual tires on the trailer tandems.
At that point, a service truck was dispatched to the scene to assist with cutting and removing the damaged guard rail.
R6 was rigged to lift the rear end of the trailer. Once the trailer was stabilized, a cut off saw was used to cut the guard rail.
Once the rail was cut the trailer was able to be lifted out of the ditch and set back onto the roadway. Once on the roadway,
the guard rail was removed from between the duals and the unit able to continue on.