Approximate time: 8:18 pm
Weather Conditions: Clear

Contacted to respond to Pulaski Drive to assist at the scene of a motor vehicle accident involving a Ford Expedition that had left the roadway, was over an embankment, and had a storm water culvert pipe underneath of it. We were advised that the front end of the vehicle was in the creek and that the vehicle was in danger of over turning. It was requested that we respond with one of our long reach sliding rotator recovery units.
Upon arrival, the vehicle was found to be as described. Straps were connected to he vehicle wheels. The rotator was set up on a work platform. A portable light tower was set up to provide a safe work environment for the scene. The rotator’s boom was extended and rotated and connected to the rigging on the Ford. The vehicle was lifted from the precarious position it was in, rotated and set directly on to the bed of Robert’s rollback.
The rigging was removed and returned to it’s respective location. The rotator was returned to travel position and cleared the scene.